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How lonely are you?

It's there, yet you can't put a name on it.

A demotivation, lack of energy, apathy, dislike of self, negativity, lack of joy. A dark cloud which sometimes feels like sadness or grief.

It’s a state we prefer not to be in, after all a sunny day is for the most part better than a cloudy one.

Depending on whom you're talking to of course!

Where does it come from? All of a sudden it's there. Out of nowhere. You would like to shake it off and move on quickly.

After the study of many philosophers Nietzche, Aristotle, Socrates, Sartre, Thoreau, spiritualist John O'Donohue and many more, the common denominator is that loneliness is caused by a loss of connection with self.

Too much emphasis on the outer world and not enough on our inner world.

What the world sees on the outside has become more important than how we actually feel inside.

We have forgotten how to live in our true self expression, our authentic selves.

We don’t even go there. There is never enough time. I will do it later, when the kids go to college, when I retire, so on and on….

Knowing that no two humans are the same, why do we as a society demand all of us to be clones of each other.

No allowance for the iconoclastic dance of texture that each one has in their soul. There is a fear in society of being around liberal people.

Awkward. Uneasy.

Unique expression is considered, wild, liberal, loose, not to be relied upon, There is a fear of letting loose.

What would happen then?

Less than we imagine! Our fears become grander through our thought processes. We energize them and give them power. That which we resist persists.

The elephant in the head is bigger than the one in the room.

What to do?

Melancholy must be allowed first, permission for it to be there.

How long you stay there is the “piece de resistance” without getting into victim mode.

Giving it too much attention for too long. There has to be a moderation as to how we approach our sad self. A bargain with the longevity of feeling. Each person is different with regard to this. Asking yourself who am I? What do I need?

Where have we been repeating the same patterns in our lives? Repetition breathes stagnation and complacency.

Newness needs to be incorporated. This could be as simple as taking a bath with beautiful candles, walking in a different place, listening to music, dancing,eating different food, whatever takes your fancy.

What part of our relationships not just with ourselves, but with our partner needs a newness?

What creative aspect of our soul is dormant? That has never been allowed out to play? I write this from experience. I have a hard time allowing play. It’s conditional.

Most of my life has been about work.

This drive to push on, succeed, prove, prosper, a way out of survival.

It does not have to be like this. I know that now. This or that? Success or Failure? Why not allow for all experiences? Call it an adventure instead. No hard lines.

Setting the intention to allow love, creativity, play, laughter to be at the forefront of our lives. Work/ Life Balance. Putting Life first.

Life/ Work Balance. Does that trigger you?

To allow the spark of your creativity to light, come alive until it is a burning flame.

Feel the difference in your existence here. Do you feel more alive? More connected to yourself? Notice. Is there a gentle smile on your face that was not there before?

Are you gentler with yourself in general?

In the future when you encounter that lonely feeling, you will be grateful for it.

You will recognize it as your friend and the reminder that you have lost touch with your spirit and your authenticity.

Your unique spirit that only you can bring to humanity and the planet at large.

There is not one single person here on this earth like you. Who has what you have to offer the world,

Just dont forget it.

We just need more people who have come alive. One by one….


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